Monday, June 15, 2009

POTD: arts and crafts?

I spent the day helping my buddy Saeid make "company T-shirts" for his design company Burn This City Studios. After goofing off at Michael's, we went straight to work cutting stencils and drafting designs. And by "we," I mean he did most of the work and I provided the running commentary.


Sharon Chen said...

hahah good job supervising ;)

toast said...

Sharon - I do my best. :)

Rosemary Brennan said...

Ah Michael's. I'm always so intimidated when I go there! Which, of course, is why I tend to stay away and leave the crafting to the professionals! :)

toast said...

Rosemary - Oh no, don't be intimidated by Michael's! Crafting should be fun for everyone. :D