Thursday, June 4, 2009

POTD: cups on a string

Remember the ol' cup-on-a-string method of communication? Well, it still works, even in today's high-tech world. Although I'd like to point out that if you're standing less than five feet away from the other person, simply talking might be easier.


Petrea Burchard said...

If you're standing more than 5 feet away, can you still hear each other through the string?

Toast, I'm loving these pictures. You have a great sense of charm and humor.

toast said...

Petrea - You definitely can hear each other from a good distance. Our string was actually about 7 feet long, but we shortened it for the picture. :) Thanks for the compliments!

Sharon Chen said...

hahah this photo made me laugh...maybe standing in separate rooms would help ;)

Rosemary Brennan said...

I love this! The string phone and polaroids completely remind me of being a kid.

toast said...

Sharon - Yes, maybe that would have made the cup communication more necessary. X)

Rosemary - I'm glad you like it! I live with a bunch of my little cousins, so I'm lucky to be able to extend my childhood through them. :)

Claus von Zastrow said...

This is a wonderful, whimsical photo. May I use it (together with appropriate attribution and link to you) on my blog, We're a non-profit in the area of school reform, and we think your wonderful photo would illustrate a point we want to make about research findings getting lost as they get communicated from one group to the next.